Friday, July 29, 2011

A Drabbly Twittery thing

This thing titled Twitter, was tempting in two thousand and ten, but I turned away;
no tolerance for tawdry tittle-tattle.
Seemed to be for tools and temptresses, trumpeting their tantalising treats to toadying troops with trite remarks and toxic tirades - transformed tranquillity to a need for tranquilisers and therapy.

Time passed.
No longer trivialised.
A twinge of envy for the aficionado’s ability to tweet trillingly, tapping out taut messages like a timpani.

Will I be able to traverse the tricky, twittery trail without falling into a trap?
Training wheels attached!
Now to transform this trajectory into tentative, tweety things.

A Drabble is a story told in 100 words. No more, no less.

Of course I couldn't resist sharing some birds 
depicting different styles of Tweeting!
Magpie - sharing joyous harmonies
Pelican - can be awkward, but is quirkily attractive
Brahminy Kite - a loner, focused, soaring free
Little Corellas - flocking gibberish -
can't hear a single voice over the collective noise
Kookaburra - premeditated
Rainbow Lorikeet - focused on sweetness
Chookies! - produce something wholesome every day 


Bob Scotney said...

I recognised the magpie although it looks different to those in the UK.
Twitter is just a shortened Drabble - a Drabble is more difficult to complete.

Manzanita said...

Your drabbles are tremendous treats.
And your tweety birds are a lot more colorful than ours.


Jan Morrison said...

oh, all birds that I love. I miss magpies though I am one! And pelicans are my fave of all watery fowl.
As to the chooks - I think I need to go take more pics of mine - they've become grown-ups since the last time I did.
love your tweety drabble.

Sue said...

Bob, do your magpies have the most beautiful 'caroling'? I wonder if they are the same, or just look similar?

Manzanita, thankyou! It's strange to hear how other people see our creatures. They seem so commonplace, and sometimes it's hard to remember to spend time simply enjoying them.

Jan, another comment about magpies. Do you have them too? Do they live worldwide?

Aren't pelicans amazing. I love their beaks and how they band together to corral the fish, I think they're elegant, and the colouring is so interesting.

I hadn't spent time with chooks since I was tiny child, and was entranced!

Have a wonderful weekend.

Arlee Bird said...

I think you are tee-sing us with this Drabble. And no twitter for me please--at least I haven't succumbed to it yet.

Thanks for promoting birds.

Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out

Sue said...

Lee, good one! I'm so scetical about the whole twitter phenomena - I'm trying to be open minded and positive. Hmm, perhaps my scepticism is undermining its potential?

Anonymous said...


All the best, Boonie