Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Do you sci-ku? I do!

A couple of days ago I came across something called sci-ku.

"Sci-ku" you mutter in a perplexed tone, "What's that?"

It's the meeting of science and haiku ... sort of, but with the strict syllabic requirements of haiku put aside.

There's even an annual competition in Australia!  This year, there is a farming or agricultrual theme to celebrate the Australian Year of the Farmer!

Aussies, feel free to enter here, anyone else could post their sci-ku on Twitter (if it's short enough) or G+, with the hash tag #sci-ku.

The winning entries from 2011 are here.
Tribute to the humble Ferguson tractor,
showing the height of the 1956 floodwaters.
Wentworth, nineteen fifty six

Month after month of incessant rain.
Rivers rise menacing - floods inundate the region.
Fergies save the day!

Some more information about the devastation of the 1956 floods and the role of farmers with their Ferguson tractors in saving the NSW town of Wentworth is here.


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